Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera Review

Image result for Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera elcelent
Firstly I got this under Deals Sulekha deals and paid Rs 31.6k for Nikon d3200 with AF-S VR 18-55 lens.(at present it is 31.3). I thought Wow! so less compared to MRP. Then I found it's market rate in my city is ~33.5K. OK. But I got it in 3 EMIs and at my doorstep with freebies 4GB + Bag which Nikon offers. This is available in Red and Black. When the Onam deal was started only Red was offered which I booked. I was a bit worried when black was also added. Ultimately when a Red D3200 is at my doorsteps it is dark red color won't disappoint you!

Image result for Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera elcelentOK. I had a Canon550D with 18-135 lens at my workplace. Another competitor was D5100. I finally ended up with 3200 for its latest expeed3.  24MP is ok not so important but it is there for you. (Expeed3 is processing software of Nikon residing in camera )

One thing that fascinates me compared to 550d is servo AF feature in which as you rotate the camera the focusing changes continuously(in both still n video mode). Truly speaking as the subject on which the camera is focussed moves one place to another the camera will refocus continuously. This is quite useful when you are shooting with kids.

OK. I am not an experienced photographer and I just started experimenting with this piece. The results are good. but I have to take it outdoors for the full potential to be realized.

I am not that regular in using my camera. right ? so not keen to buy another VR zoom lens like 70-300 right now (12K). But may buy on VR for this piece.I got one old Nikon 35-105 AI-S Manual focus lens and already had another TAIR 11A (M42 thread Russian) 135 lens which I had coupled to this camera with an M42-Nikon adapter and took some shots. but still learning about this. pictures are too soft. will add a bit later. Hunting for old lenses.

Image result for Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera elcelent
This has an ext.mic socket like D5100/550D and you can reduce the noise due to movement of the lens (that is quite loud!) being recorded in video.

Image result for Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera elcelent hdAll the three cameras Canon 550d, Nikon D5100, and Nikon D3200 do NOT have a built-in focusing motor in the camera body. The kit lens which comes along with the camera (AF-S lens for Nikon) has that motor. So if you need extra lenses, you have to go for those with motors for auto-focussing (AF-S and not AF).

I used 550D in my office for lab work. Earlier I had 350D as well. The beauty with Canon and what is missing in Nikon is remote shooting. I had connected 350D to one instrument, removed the lens and all my results are captured in the remote mode using USB cable. Everything in canon is controllable. but not here in Nikon( in remote I mean).

Now you ask me Nikon vs Canon. Difficult. Canon is really master but so also Nikon. I preferred Nikon because of its continuous autofocusing in video mode.

Img: DSC250.JPG Nikon D3200+TAIR 11A (135/F2.8)  1/400, Aperture setting not taken but  closer to 2.8 No flash, in room light, 11-12 noon

I would like to describe one feature that I find very helpful. I am sure this is present in all DSLR these days. When you try to focus in manual mode you can always zoom what you are seeing and

improve your focusing (visual confirmation) Zooming can be done using + and - buttons on the back side.(27 9 12)

Image result for Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera elcelentNo Live Histogram

Let me explain the histogram feature here. Say you are doing the experiment in photography with either Nikon lens or some other manual lens. Btw other lenses will work ONLY in manual mode and in other modes, this camera will simply NOT open the shutter.

Now, what are parameters to play with for taking photographs?

a)zoom, focus- these are to image accurately objects at different distances.

b)exposure and aperture, very very important. with aperture you allow more or less light to fall on the chip and more opening (less aperture number) will also drastically reduce the depth of field. so when adjusting the aperture the amount of light reaching the detector changes and accordingly, you have to adjust the shutter time so that you do not either Under/Over expose the photo.

How do you know this?

In the absence of Live histogram (LH), in show you have to take multiple shots at different exposure and see the result to adjust shutter times. But if your camera has LH  you can switch it on. In the LHshowsa curve and the curve shows exposure at different under/mid/over exposed  areas. If your photo is too under exposed the curve will be moronthe left side and if it is too over exposed (saturated ) the curve will be more in the right side. For good pictures in normal cases the curve should be in the middle portion (bell shaped).

Many of Nikon DSLRs including d30/31/32/50/51' 00 do NOT have LH . Canon 550 D has.

Let us add more later.
