Nikon D70s Review

Camera ( bad )

Image result for Nikon D70I have bought Nikon D70s camera one and half year back when after using 6 months it just got really terrible I was using it continuously but after using it for 6 months it was like I cannot use it for that so still I am using it because I don't have that much money to buy another camera.

Nikon D70s is a professional camera but when it comes to the quality and inbuilt products it really just give you I regret moment of your life because I have paid a lot of money on Nikon d70 but in the end I got nothing after using it for 6 months it has been a lot of time while I was exploring my new DSLR but in the end after using so much it just give me the bad impression of the company it is said that Nikon is the best company in cameras but from my side I think many at time of the company can also give you a big bad impression on your mind and the same happened with me when I bought Nikon d70.

Talking about the bad feature of the Nikon d70 the first of all is shutter camera when you will be able to just watch the cameras capture button and you think that this letter will perform absolutely great and will capture even 7 to 8 pictures in a second but the shutter camera is not at all god of this Nikon d70 camera.

The indoor pictures are really having so much of noise that even you can say that in mobile phone photos are better than the DSLR Nikon d70 camera but the outdoor are the natural beauty pictures are really sharp and without noise and machine if you are thinking to have a professional camera then you should go for another good quality camera and not for the Nikon d70 .

Nikon d70 camera is just for those who need to take pictures for themselves and they don't care about the professional and be very professional camera should behave if you are thinking to just to take a photo of a selfie of your you should go for the Nikon d70 otherwise there is no need to go for it

From my side, I will never suggest Nikon d70 to any one. Really I had a really bad experience with it.

Thanks a lot
