Samsung Joy Plus J5100 Full HD LED TV Review

Image result for Samsung Joy Plus J5100 Full HD LED TV latest
We bought this tv a month back as our old television had become Chabad.This tv is new in market and cost us around 45, 000 in. in sale

Our old tv was also of Samsung so we bought a Samsung tv only.This tv came home and I was really excited to see our new television.It's a 43-inch tv with Full HD Display -1920*1080 p This tv is not a smart tv so we cannot surf or browse on this tv.

The inbuilt speakers of this tv are really loud and there is no need for buying new speakers.Features of this tv-1) Screen capture- Its a nice option to take pictures while watching tv.

Image result for Samsung Joy Plus J5100 Full HD LED TV latest on girl
2) Sound Capture- If you listen to music a lot or you are a music lover then this option is nice for recording the sound of tv otherwise it is useless.

3) Indian Cinema mode- If you are watching a movie then this feature is useful, it brightens the colors of the picture.

4) Cricket Mode- This mode is used while watching cricket matches. The sound gets changed and it feels like we are in a stadium. If we press a button it divides the screen into 9 parts and we can zoom for more details.

The picture quality of the TV is awesome in my opinion- best in its class.

The sound quality is also great.

We can also connect our USB drive to a tv.

This tv consumes less electricity/energy.

So, at last, I would say this tv is good for the ones who wants a perfect LED tv without many features.
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