Nikon D500 Review

I got this camera for 2 years and I utilized it only for a period being.I left utilizing it.

Image result for Nikon D500As I have a terrible affair about this camera.This camera is bad at all.Clicked the arbitrary pictures.They were bad.

Ran for an excursion with my family to a slope station and set this camera for the pictures.Took a lot of pictures.

Later what I discovered they look great in the camera only.While I began exchanging to a laptop.They were not getting loaded.Created hang issue and was not distinguished by any means.

At last by one means or another when I exchanged to laptop.i saw the pics.The quality was not good.It was obscure notwithstanding when I zoomed.

Picture quality which I encountered is beneath normal. Pictures were got to be foggy and in dull side more.picture are not shared. They look like overcast. They should need to work more on picture quality.

Shade velocity is moderate. At whatever point its take a photo the screen lacks the vast majority of the times. It feels better when you expel the screen impact from the settings.

Battery reinforcement is bad. Regardless of the fact that I changed this battery with my old effective batteries. Its deplete the force rapidly.

In the camera itself, there is a zooming problem.If I zoom the pixels get diminish and the picture looks more awful.

I will never this to anyone.
